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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Berta Soler

The prisoners’ living conditions are subhuman. Cuban prisons are overcrowded. Not just for the political prisoners. But I have to note that the political prisoners are held with murderers and rapists, with prisoners who are rewarded with extra visits, a permit or a conjugal visit, in exchange for collaborating [with those in charge] by attacking, or beating the political prisoners, just to provoke them.

The food is awful. It is fit for pigs. The jailers take the same food to fatten their pigs. The water is not drinkable.

Sometimes it is water that is stored in tanks. They get both their drinking water and latrine water from the same short pipes. To drink water they cut off the mouth of a bottle of a liter and a half to collect water from the same pipe used for the latrine. They are crammed in.

Medical attention is nonexistent or not adequate. Visiting family members and prisoners are treated like dogs. Just like they treat the prisoners. We have to take food each visit. For example, we were allowed to visit every three to five months.

We had to take huge duffle bags full of food that had to be approved. We would take plastic bottles and fill them with oil and garlic and then we would insert hot dogs. They say they are made of pork or chicken, but we do not know how they are made.

Getting milk was difficult. We had to get it through the black market. It is expensive at the markets that operate with dollars. Everywhere else in the world, prisoners get balanced meals. It is not food for pigs like the Cuban government gives its prisoners.