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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Berta Soler

The Cuban regime is very worried. They know we are growing.

In 2003, the majority of us were family of the imprisoned Group of 75. Then the mothers and family of other political prisoners and women had no family were supportive and joined us. The government thought that by releasing the 75, that they would leave the county and that it would do away with the Ladies in White. They thought that even though a few remained in Cuba, they would disappear. They were wrong.

We have gained strength and have grown more. Because there are many women who are aware, who have suffered from the system, whose children have been thrown out of schools, who have been evicted from their homes, who are homeless, whose husbands have been fired from their jobs, and who lack money.

So they have joined us. They have learned of our struggle to fight for what we all want: a different Cuba. The Cuban government, which is very worried, harasses them, threatens them, kicks them out of places, takes them to cells, and takes them to prison.

Even now, Sonia Garro Alfonso, a Lady in White, was taken violently from her home along with her husband by the Cuban government, solely for defending their rights on March 18, 2012. She was shot in the leg with a rubber bullet and is in prison. Soon, on November 1, [2013] she will be taken before a tribunal and faces 10 years of prison.

[Sonia Garro was charged with assault, disorderly conduct and attempted murder. She remains in prison.]

We must put an end to this totalitarianism and arbitrary acts. I want the world to know that we, the Ladies in White, raise our voices for the liberty of all of the political prisoners.

At this time of Sonia Garro’s situation, we also know that difficult moments are near because the Cuban government is in power, but it knows that reason and truth are on our side and that we will continue. Many youth have joined our ranks.

We want for the youth to not have to escape from Cuba because they have no future. Meanwhile, the repression against us becomes stronger. We are not afraid. Our struggle continues. Our struggle is beautiful. It’s not private or individual. It is a struggle for all Cubans.