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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Alejandro Toledo

When I concluded public school, when I concluded my elementary school, I went to high school. And apparently, when I was in elementary school, there was a teacher who loved to write poetry. And he found a vein in my writing. Apparently I was writing poetry at a very primitive, not very sophisticated – talking about Mother’s Day or the Independence Day, very naïve, very – loved to write poetry.

And there was a competition among the schools in Chimbote, and the winner of the competition had a prize, and the prize was to be the political correspondent of the major national newspaper, La Prensa. So I won, and so I became at the age of 11 years old a political correspondent of La Prensa in Chimbote. Part of this set of coincidences was that they were Election Day – years. So politicians came through Chimbote, and we interviewed. That’s why I met Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre, the founder of the APRA party [American Popular Revolutionary Alliance, a Peruvian political party]. I met Fernando Belaúnde of Acción Popular. [Fernando Belaúnde Terry was President of Peru from 1963-1968 and 1980-1985. Accion Popular was his political party]. But they didn’t pay much attention to me, because nobody believed that one kid of 11 years old was going to be the correspondent. But I understand why they did not believe me, because in addition to be correspondent, I was carrying my box of shoeshine. [As a student, President Toledo supplemented his family’s income by working as a shoeshine boy.]

But then I met them. I interview them. And I couldn’t believe myself when I saw the first article that I wrote. I couldn’t fit in my own skin when I wrote, so my – there was an American guy who came to a tourist hotel where I used to go to shoeshine because they used to give you an additional tip. I was shoeshining, and I had the papers, and I said, do you want to buy a paper? He said, no, no, but you – I can lend you the paper while I shoeshine. I won’t charge you for the paper. I really wanted to show you the – hey, this is Alejandro Toledo. He wasn’t interested. When I finished, he paid me for the shoeshine, and he left. And I said, that’s me. So he told me something not very pronounceable: Who in the hell do you think you are trying to kid, how to lie? So he left and never believed me that I had my first article.