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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Alejandrina García de la Riva

Free is free. It´s like flying, not being afraid. Like breathing and having oxygen fill the lungs. That one does not shrink from anything. That one can look and see beautiful things.

That there be no fear, no ugliness. That one may have a nice family, that they can live as a family. Go out and see green as a beautiful green, blue as a beautiful blue.

That´s freedom to me. Not being afraid. Not shrinking, but breathing and saying that everything is fine.

[Human freedom comes] from within each person. But the freedom of which I speak is the nation’s freedom, not my inner freedom. I feel free with what I do, despite the fears. I feel truly a free woman.

In Cuba I know [State] security is there but I keep walking ahead. They do not allow me to go to church, but I leave my home. Because I go to church, I go to Mass.

I know that they do not want this, but I do it because I feel free to do so. That is the freedom of the fight, but freedom … I do it because I feel free spiritually. Nothing constrains me.

That is to feel free and be free. That is learned. The other freedom is internal. How can I say it, what God said to me: “I created you free, you have the freedom to do what you believe. The good and the bad and you are whatever you want to be. Regardless of the fact that I want you to be good.”