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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Alejandrina García de la Riva

There was a lot of activity wherever they apprehended an opposition member or leader in the 2003 arrests. [In March 2003, the Cuban government arrested 75 nonviolent dissidents in an event known as the Black Spring.]

The neighbors knew where they lived. So, they asked about things and the regime made them public, discreetly. Those who were apprehended were classified as bad, so that the public would have a bad impression of them: as mercenaries, employees [of foreign powers], as people who wanted to destroy the nation and cause damage.

It was done discreetly, but the regime´s media, like television reporters and radio, made this wave of repression, these arrests public.

Each of these men were taken far from their homes, to other provinces. For example: I live in the interior of the province of Matanzas and my husband [Diosdado González Marrero, one of the 75 who was imprisoned] was taken to a prison in the province of Pinar del Rio, Cuba’s utmost western tip.

When I moved to Pinar del Rio, [near] the prison, I met other women talking outside the prison. Family members visiting husbands, children from the same wave of repression as my husband, whom I did not know. There we began speaking: “Hello! How are you? I´m from Matanzas.” Another: “I´m from Santiago de Cuba”. Another: “I am from Camagüey.” We began to get to know each other. What could we do?

We began to wonder what can we do against such injustice. What do we do? It is too much injustice. Then we learned that the same thing was occurring in other provinces. We were getting to know each other. In Havana, in Villa Marista, the location of the State Security headquarters, women were preparing to go to church. An awakening began. Who are the women? Who are the prisoners?

And their names, surnames, their provinces, and addresses began to be shared. We started to communicate by phone. “We will go to the Church of Santa Rita on Sunday. Mass is at 10:30 a.m. and we will go to church dressed in white. Do you think it can be done?” Yes. We all agreed.

We started to move from the provinces to Havana to meet in the Church of Santa Rita, on 5th Avenue and 26th Street, to pray, to attend Mass. And when we went outside [the church], we said: “Let´s walk a few blocks to get attention. And when asked, we will say that we are the families of the 75 who are unjustly in prison. And we are walking silently to protest the injustice of the imprisonment.”

And that is where the Ladies in White [Damas de Blanco in Spanish] movement began. From that meeting in the church. We prayed. We prayed to Santa Rita and then started walking on the wide center sidewalk of 5th Avenue. When we saw that there were other women coming from other provinces, we started walking in pairs.

[The Ladies in White is a civil society organization founded by the mothers, spouses and daughters of dissidents who were imprisoned by Cuban authorities during the Black Spring crackdown in March 2003. They practice nonviolent resistance against the repression of civil liberties on the island of Cuba.]

The accredited foreign press corps in Cuba began to visit and ask questions. And we began to state how we felt. This is how the movement emerged.

Not everyone joined overnight. First there were those from Havana. Then those of us from Matanzas, the nearest province to Havana, joined. Then Santa Clara, Pinar del Rio to the east. According to the women, as soon as they received news, then they would agree on a Sunday on which they could travel to the church.

Then gradually it grew until all the families of the 75 joined. And indeed, many women who saw us wanted to join. We started calling them “ladies of support.” We accepted them and they walked with us and stayed.

It was a surprise to both sides. To us — the ladies — and to the others. There had never been such a movement … so many women on the street, dressed in white asking for the release of their families.

People who saw us would blow kisses our way. They were amazed by what they saw, proud of what we were doing. They said we were courageous, that we should continue, that they were with us, that they supported us. Since it is a heavily trafficked road, cars honked their horns and when we looked they would make a victory gesture. They would do that. And that was special to us. It encouraged us, gave us strength and we saw that we were being well regarded by those who felt the same as us.

Everything we did was our own initiative. We organized, we talked, we wrote down what we would do the following week. We still do. We kept it to ourselves so that the security service would not find out. We sought strategies so that we could do activities and not be repressed.

Going out to the streets, to be seen. I do not think we did things because we knew of other organizations. No. It was spontaneous. Our initiative.

I think it has been God’s work. That a woman … should demand family rights. The weaker sex, as we say in Cuba, lacking physical strength. Doing what we do, I think it comes from God’s power that He gives us to continue in what we do.

Many of the families are no longer in Cuba. There are still some, like my husband and others, in Cuba. We chose to continue fighting for other men who are unjustly in prison. Because in Cuba human rights will not be violated as long as we continue our work. This is where we are and where we’ll stay.

The Ladies in White have grown. Many women who endure the same [repression] have joined. Some are family members of prisoners and some are not. Because we are enduring the same. Sometimes they say, “What makes them join?” We endure the same violence, marginalization, poverty, lack of rights.

They see us as an example and join. How far can we go? Until Cuba is a state with rights. Where all have rights, where there is a multiparty system. Where all these movements and opposition parties are able to realize their objectives. Where there are no more prisoners. When no more are unjustly imprisoned. Until Cuba is free. Until then we will continue our work as the Ladies in White movement.