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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Abdel Basset Ben Hassen

After the revolution, the Tunisian revolution the Arab Institute was, I think, in the position to reflect about what´s the role of human rights in this new situation and phase of our historical new era. What´s the role of the Arab Institute, what´s the role of human rights and how to make human rights part of the new developments in our society and all these new dynamics and new definition of roles, political roles, economic roles– nationally and regionally, internationally, what should be the role of human rights.

And this was a kind of collective reflection with traditional actors, human rights actors, but with the newcomers and new organizations and new young people, bloggers, media people, and new human rights organizations, citizenship organization. And after all this reflection we think that we developed three main strategies. The first strategy was to help reinforce the institutions and to elaborate new legislation and new constitutions based on human rights. We mean by reinforcing institutions in the creation and the enforcement of institutions accountable to their people, inclusive and democratic.

And this work strategy was based on social debates, on proposals– for reform proposals on policy papers and international visits for people who came to Tunisia and discussed with people from civil society organizations and from the governmental institutions on different ways and models to reform institutions. And I think that the institution´s reflection about the transition of justice, about the reform of the judiciary, about the security system reform, I think were instrumental in the last months.

The second work strategy was about reinforcing or strengthening the sustainability of civil society organizations and institutions. And our idea was how to create a vibrant and creative civil society institutions and organizations capable to develop and to reinforce the participation of people, participation of people in decision making, participation of people in making the new institutions accountable and the new governments accountable and also developing a kind of equilibrium between the political society and the civil society organization field.

Also we developed some work on reforming the media, supporting the high council on the media reform by technical support and training and of course all the other committees, specialized committees founded after the revolution. And we have this work also with the political parties trying to introduce the human rights culture and democratic culture and the work of political parties. Considering my work with the High Council for the Objectives of the Revolution, Political Reform and Democratic Transition, I think first, I think that this council was a kind of school for democracy.

I think all the members representing political parties, trade unions, civil society organizations, I think media, I think this was for us to learn democratic issues, to develop a kind of democratic discussion and also to start to know each other because it was the first time that some people representing Tunisians were asked to work together on democratic transition. The second main achievement, I think, of this council was to elaborate the new legislation, to prepare the elections, the legislation on the law on political parties media reform. And I think that this new legislation, I think, play the major role in helping Tunisia to go through this very fragile and difficult transition period.