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Interviews with Abdel Aziz BelKhodja

Everybody was waiting for the revolution in Tunisia. Tunisian people were really afraid about the future. But it happened really very, very fast. The same events didn´t have the same effects because we had the same problems two years before in Tunisia in the city of it´s near Gafsa in the south of Tunisia. [In 2008, a series of miners’ strikes and demonstrations erupted in the city and region of Gafsa, about 350 kilometers southwest of Tunis. The government responded with force. The protests were seen as a harbinger of the Tunisian Revolution that began in 2010.]

We had the same problems that we had with Mohamed Bouazizi and with the beginning of the revolution. [Mohamed Bouazizi was a Tunisian fruit vendor from the city of Sidi Bouzid, who set himself on fire in protest of the government’s harassment and unlawful confiscation of his products] But I think the difference came from the media. Because I have a friend who was really near Bouazizi. The 17 of December [2010]. And he immediately take his phone, and he called the medias in Al Jazeera and another media in France. And after that, they had the sequences, the movies of what happened in Sidi Bouzid [a city in central Tunisia, home to Mohamed Bouazizi and where the Tunisian Revolution began]. And they put it immediately in Facebook.

So the how do you say? The announcement of what happens in Sidi Bouzid in the center of Tunisia, it had immediately very, very big circulation. And everybody was exchanging the movies and were talking about it. And the same thing in the medias in the world. The world, okay? The only place that they weren´t talking about it was in Tunisia. The official medias, you know? And the radios, et cetera. So immediately, it passed from a town to another, from a town to another. And after that, in Tunis here the artists talk about it and they try to have a first manifestation. [demonstration]

Well, a first was protest here in the Habib Bourguiba Avenue. And that first protest was immediately stopped by political police in Tunisia. And after that all Tunisia was in revolution, really. So the police had a lot of difficulties to stop that. And the reason that it was so fast, you know? Because of the news. The news was very, very fast. And the regime can´t stop the news about what happened in Tunisia, no? And the regime was very old.

The regime was very bad. So everybody was against that regime. In Tunisia, there is not a caste who would defend [Former Tunisian President Zine el Abidine] Ben Ali. Not a caste. No one see his party too. His party was against him in the last, you know? In the last days. It was the first revolution in the Arabic world. So they were not prepared for that. That’s what explains the difficulties of the other revolution in the other countries, you know? Now you had Tunisia. After that, you had Egypt. After that, they learn how to stop it, you know?