Presidential Retreats: Away from the White House


March 06, 2019 - October 06, 2019

From March 6 to October 6, 2019, the George W. Bush Presidential Center presented a special exhibit exploring presidential retreats. Four featured retreats – Camp David in Frederick County, MD, Prairie Chapel Ranch in Crawford, TX, LBJ Ranch in Stonewall, TX, and Walker’s Point in Kennebunkport, ME – were highlighted in-depth revealing how U.S. presidents have used these special places for work, rejuvenation, and rest. The exhibit also explored other presidential retreats over the last two centuries from Mount Vernon to Mar-a-Lago.


The hidden historic roles of presidential retreats included stories of the presidents and first ladies’ daily lives, hobbies, sports, and behind-the-scenes anecdotes. Visitors learned about the specific initiatives, challenges, and accomplishments that made each retreat iconic as well as the intimate family memories that endear these unique locations to their occupants. This also includes the Bush family’s use of presidential spaces – for weddings, holidays, and more.


Photo of Prairie Chapel Ranch by Wyman Meinzer